Saturday, June 20, 2009

those cookies brady always used to whine about

Delectable Chocolate Slices

I cant remember what we used to call these cookies, but i do remember them vividly from my early childhood. I remember my mom making them at the kitchen table and Mike Brady from across the street whining and bitching every time he came over for my mother to make him some. She never did tho, serves him right for annoying the shit out of her. I had no idea as a kid what these things were, i just knew they had that funny booze taste and the bitterness of dark chocolate. According to the recipe its a mixture of butter, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, crushed cookies, liquor, & uncooked eggs, which is then shaped into a log, chilled & sliced.

- 10 tablespoons butter, softened.
- 2/3 cup powdered sugar
- 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons cointreau or rum
- Raisins and walnuts
- 10 Marie Lu Biscuits (or vanilla wafers), crushed coarsely

Cream Butter and sugar together. Add sifted cocoa, beat together; add one egg a time, beating well after each. Add the cointreau. Mix till smooth. Now fold in crushed biscuits, nuts and raisins till well coated with chocolate. On a rectangle of foil about 12" long, place the mixture lengthwise down the center, in the shape of a log. Lift the foil to cover the chocolate mixture, shaping it into a triangular log. Refrigerate for 6-8 hours. Cut into thin slices to serve.

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