Monday, October 5, 2009

My New Favorite Thing: Yoplait Thick & Creamy Yogurt

so im a big yogurt fan and just discovered these Yoplait thick and creamy yogurts that are so thick they remind me a cheesecake!  its a great healthy dessert treat! i didnt notice many flavor selections, but im a big fan of the blackberry harvest. The strawberry and vanilla flavors have a mild aftertaste but this one doesnt. yum! the only thing that sucks is all of the weird chemicals and shit thats in it, im really becoming a bit of a purest (atleast within reason) and trying to eat food as unprocessed as possible, but this shit and chock full of high fructose corn syrup and phosphates and shit. this is why i stopped eating the yoplait whips, (the chocolate one is sooo good) once i read the label it was like i could taste the chemies... no good.